Sometimes after a day in the studio I walk away and it looks like I didn't even get anything done. Today was one of those days until I saw proof (on my crappy camera phone-sorry) of this portrait in progress. It shows that, I did in actual fact, get somewhere today :)
I am looking forward to painting in the nest on his head tomorrow and fixing up a few things. x
Feeling really lucky to have the time and space to make these works, am really excited about starting the portrait of my son this week with a little nest on his head. x
I can't believe how traumatic but at the same time nourishing that this study has been. I feel like I spent most of last year in an academic bubble as I slogged through all the writing. Looking back through my photos though (in order to post theses studio developments), I realised I did do a lot of other special things especially with my family. These pics are from my studio, showing the latest work for an exhibition that will be opening on the 13th April at Turner Gallery in Perth WA. I have also put pictures up of my trip to get custom frames made for my paintings. I will be picking them up in March, fingers crossed they turn out ok :) Also in this post is a picture of a beautiful nest my partner found in New Zealand and a childs chair made out of a whales bone from the Auckland museum.